
Are you one of the many Australian businesses currently struggling with too much work and not enough employees? Many businesses in the construction industry are finding that they are booked out for months in advance with dwindling staff numbers, making it difficult to take on new jobs. To aid in a solution to this problem, we’ve created numerous recruitment marketing services and strategies to help you stand out and employ reliable individuals.


A 2022 online survey by Finder found that a staggering 43% of Aussie workers are planning to search for a new job in 2022. Whilst this could be confronting for those who are concerned about losing staff, it also highlights the opportunity to take advantage of employees searching for new employment opportunities. Another survey found that 51% of respondents would be more attracted to the company if their job advertisement featured visual elements such as photos and videos.


Trying to operate a business with dwindling staff members can be extremely challenging. Equally, employing a team of employees that are not suited to your business can cause even more headaches. Suitable employees equate to more opportunities to take on new projects, work more efficiently and increase your profits. Finding the right person can be difficult, so to make things easier we can provide you with all the tools you need to advertise your job position successfully.


To help you become visible to the job market, we have carefully created our recruitment marketing services to help your business stand out from the crowd. Find keen, reliable workers who align with your company values and come to you seeking work. Finding these types of employees is the key to improving retention rates and creating a strong, diverse team.



If you’re looking to make your job ad really stand out, why not create a personalised recruitment video that reflects your business and its culture. Recruitment videos are great for posting to job seeking websites such as Seek, giving your job advertisement a point of difference and making it much more appealing and attractive to those searching. If a potential employee can visually see the type of work they’ll be doing, the team they’ll work with and some of the locations they’ll be working at, it’s much easier to make a decision. These videos are also great for using on social media to advertise when you’re hiring, as well as in emails to potential employees.

You can click here to view an example recruitment video we created for painting company SG Coatings.


Written and optimised to maximise your visibility and inform potential candidates of your company culture, the type of work you do, what you aim to teach them etc. An optimal job ad will create engagement and attract the type of employees that you want to see working for your business. We’ll tailor the ad specifically to your business to reflect the brand and to make it appeal to the intended target audience.


This will include a mission statement, values and interviews with your staff members. All of this information will help job seekers to understand what to expect if they apply to work for your business. The page is designed to showcase your business and the opportunities that are available for potential candidates. It’s also great for displaying your workplace culture and the fun, social side of work that many people are searching for.


This will include a mission statement, values and interviews with your staff members. All of this information will help job seekers to understand what to expect if they apply to work for your business. The page is designed to showcase your business and the opportunities that are available for potential candidates. It’s also great for displaying your workplace culture and the fun, social side of work that many people are searching for.

These can be used for regular social media posts or stories and will come complete with captions. You can choose the text such as “we’re hiring, enquire within” or we can decide for you. The job ad templates will align with your brand elements and colours to ensure that they represent your business perfectly. They will act as a digital billboard to those who visit your social media accounts. They are also great to include in monthly newsletters and other nosiness communications.


These can be used for regular social media posts or stories and will come complete with captions. You can choose the text such as “we’re hiring, enquire within” or we can decide for you. The job ad templates will align with your brand elements and colours to ensure that they represent your business perfectly. They will act as a digital billboard to those who visit your social media accounts. They are also great to include in monthly newsletters and other nosiness communications.


Many of us understand the difficulties that come with selecting new staff. Will you find someone who is genuinely invested in the business? Someone who is motivated? Someone who will fit in with the rest of the team? Our job is to help make this process as easy as possible, connecting you with the type of employees that your business needs. If you could benefit from some assistance in regards to recruitment marketing, reach out to the Carter Marketing team. We’re a local tradie marketing agency on the Mornington Peninsula that understand small business owners and their employees. We also offer a range of other marketing services, from SEO to logo design and much more. We aim to make construction marketing easy for you. If you would like to enquire further about our services or our pricing, please contact us here.